TRABAJAMOS LA RUTINA CADA DÍA: con esta presentación podréis repasar la rutina en casa con los niños/as.


STORY: teatro para practicar la gramática y el vocabulario

CLING! Once upon a time…Jay and Sue were in the house

Sue: Jay Jay I have an idea! Can we play with tiger?

Jay: Yes Please! Where is the tiger?

Sue: I don’t know, I don’t know

Sue and Jay: Grandfather, grandfather Have you got the tiger?

Grandfather: No I haven’t, go and play IM BUSY

Sue and Jay: Grandmother, grandmother Have you got the tiger?

Grandmother: No I haven’t, go and play IM BUSY

Sue and Jay: father, father Have you got the tiger?

Father: No I haven’t

Sue and Jay: Mother, mother Have you got Tiger?

Mother: No I haven’t

Sue: Where is Tiger?

Jay: I know, I know! Look! The baby has got the tiger!

All: and that's all, and that's all
Aprendemos la historia y hacemos las actividades del libro:

Fichas para practicar online:

Juegos para practicar el vocabulario

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